19-Norprogesterone (19-NOR-P)


19-Norprogesterone (19-NOR-P)
19-Norprogesterone is a steroid and close analogue of progesterone. It is a potent progestogen, and also possesses mineralocorticoid properties, although it is not used clinically. It is, however, the parent compound of a group of progestins that are used as pharmaceutical drugs, including nomegestrol acetate, promegestone, trimegestone, gestonorone, and nestorone. 19-NOR-P is a potent progestagen in mammals by s.c. injection, but is almost inactive when given p.o. In the rat, 19-NOR-P also shows marked salt-retaining and hypertensive effects, consistent with its high affinity for mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). Dyslipidemia is a cardiovascular risk factor which commonly develops during forty. In Europe, progestins are frequently prescribed for treatment of perimenopausal symptoms in women in this age group, as well as in combination with estrogen replacement therapy in non hysterectomised postmenopausal women.

Organism species: Pan-species (General)