


The A875 cell line is a human melanoma cell line that has been extensively studied in cancer research. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that originates in melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing the pigment melanin. The A875 cell line was derived from a metastatic site of melanoma in a patient and has been used in numerous research studies to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying melanoma development and progression.

he A875 cell line provides researchers with a valuable tool to study various aspects of melanoma biology, including the genetic and epigenetic changes that contribute to tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. Researchers have used the A875 cell line to identify key signaling pathways involved in melanoma progression, such as the MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways, as well as to test the efficacy of novel targeted therapies and immunotherapies.

The A875 cell line has also been used to study the interactions between melanoma cells and the tumor microenvironment, including immune cells, blood vessels, and extracellular matrix components. These studies have provided important insights into the complex network of interactions that drive melanoma growth and spread, as well as potential therapeutic targets to disrupt these interactions and halt tumor progression.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)