Abl Interactor 2 (ABI2)

ABI2B; AIP-1; AblBP3; SSH3BP2; ArgBP1; argBPIA; argBPIB; Abelson interactor 2; Abl-binding protein 3; Arg-binding protein 1

Abl Interactor 2 (ABI2)
Sequence analysis predicted that the 401-amino acid ABI2 protein is 65% identical to the Abi1 mouse protein and 70% identical to the frog Xlan4 protein. ABI2 possesses a basic N terminus with homology to a homeodomain protein; a central serine-rich region; 3 PEST sequences, which are implicated in susceptibility to protein degradation; several proline-rich stretches; and an acidic C terminus with multiple phosphorylation sites and an SH3 domain. Binding and mutational analyses showed that the interaction between the N-terminal proline-rich stretch of ABI2 and the ABL1 SH3 domain is highly specific, but that the ABI2 SH3 domain also binds to a proline-rich stretch downstream of the nuclear localization signal in the ABL1 C terminus. Immunoblot and autoradiographic analyses indicated that ABI2 is phosphorylated by ABL1.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)