Acidic Salivary Proline Rich Phosphoprotein 2 (PRH2)

Pr; Parotid Proline-Rich Protein; Proline-Rich Protein HaeIII Subfamily 2

Acidic Salivary Proline Rich Phosphoprotein 2 (PRH2)
Previously identified proline-rich proteins have some similarities to collagen and some to enamel protein. Identification of polymorphism stimulated search for an association between specific phenotype and oral disease.The genes are rich in HaeIII restriction sites; hence, the designation PRH1 and PRH2. Maeda (1985) concluded that what she terms PRH2 codes for Pr. HindIII restriction fragments of DNA from Chinese hamster x mouse somatic cell hybrids hybridized with cDNA clones of proline-rich protein only when the DNA was isolated from cells containing mouse chromosome 8 or a fragment thereof. PRP is near the centromere. In the mouse, polymorphism of the proline-rich proteins of saliva is demonstrated to have a relationship to taste. There was complete concordance between this marker and an RFLP in the 12q14-12q22 region.