Acyl Coenzyme A Binding Domain Containing Protein 4 (ACBD4)

Acyl Coenzyme A Binding Domain Containing Protein 4 (ACBD4)
ACBD4 encodes a member of the acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein family. All family members contain the conserved acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain, which binds acyl-CoA thiol esters. They are thought to play roles in acyl-CoA dependent lipid metabolism. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.
Acyl CoA binding protein (ACBP) binds thiol esters of long fatty acids and coenzyme A in a one-to-one binding mode with high specificity and affinity. Acyl-CoAs are important intermediates in fatty lipid synthesis and fatty acid degradation and play a role in regulation of intermediary metabolism and gene regulation. ACBPs are present in a large group of eukaryotic species and several tissue-specific isoforms have been detected.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)