Alpha And Gamma-Adaptin Binding Protein (aAgAB)


Alpha And Gamma-Adaptin Binding Protein (aAgAB)
AAGAB May play a role in membrane traffic. Interacts with AP1G1 and AP2A1. Adaptins are proteins mediating the formation of clathrin-coated pits, through interaction with membrane-bound receptors. There are several types of adaptin, each related to a different group of such receptors.Adaptins show sequence similarity to some COPI subunits, thus they are thought to have a common evolutionary origin.Adaptins cluster to form the AP2 complex. cDNA Sources:brain; intestine; muscle; cervix; stomach; thymus; testis; prostate; connective tissue; kidney; lung; embryonic tissue; uncharacterized tissue; ovary; skin; mixed; liver; eye; pituitary gland; mammary gland; placenta; uterus; pharynx; blood; pancreas; mouth; bone marrow; adipose tissue; esophagus; heart; bone; thyroid; bladder; parathyroid; vascular; spleen; ascites; umbilical cord; adrenal gland; pineal gland; lymph node

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)