Anterior Pharynx Defective 1B (APH1B)

PSFL; APH-1B; Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1B; Presenilin-stabilization factor-like

Anterior Pharynx Defective 1B (APH1B)
APH1 is a multipass transmembrane protein that interacts with presenilin and nicastrin (APH2) as a functional component of the gamma-secretase complex. The gamma-secretase complex is required for the intramembrane proteolysis of a number of membrane proteins, including the amyloid-beta precursor protein and Notch.
APH1B encodes a multi-pass transmembrane protein that is a functional component of the gamma-secretase complex, which also contains presenilin and nicastrin. This protein represents a stabilizing cofactor for the presenilin holoprotein in the complex. The gamma-secretase complex catalyzes the cleavage of integral proteins such as notch receptors and beta-amyloid precursor protein.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)