Hemicentin 2 (HMCN2)

Hemicentin 2 (HMCN2)
Hmcn2, a second hemicentin paralogue also present in mammals. In contrast to the restricted expression of hmcn1 in epithelial cells of the apical fin fold, hmcn2 transcripts were present both in the fin fold epithelium and the fin mesenchyme at 24 hpf, and restricted to the fin mesenchyme at 48 hpf . However, neither a translation-blocking, nor a splicing-blocking hmcn2 MO yielded a consistent phenotype alone, nor did the hmcn2 MO clearly enhance the nel phenotype (data not shown). This leaves the role of Hmcn2 during zebrafish development currently unclear.
hemicentin2 (hmcn2) is also expressed in the fin fold during embryogenesis, however, mostly in the fin mesenchyme. The role of this cell population during fin morphogenesis is presently unknown.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)