Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Beta (HNF1b)

FJHN; TCF2; HNF1beta; HNF2; LFB3; LF-B3; MODY5; VHNF1; Transcription Factor 2,Hepatic; Variant Hepatic Nuclear Factor; Homeoprotein LFB3

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Beta (HNF1b)
TCF2 encodes transcription factor 2, a liver-specific factor of the homeobox-containing basic helix-turn-helix family. The TCF2 protein is believed to form heterodimers with another liver-specific member of this transcription factor family, TCF1; depending on the TCF2 isoform, the result may be to activate or inhibit transcription of target genes. Mutation of TCF2 that disrupts normal function has been identified as the cause of MODY5. A third human transcript variant is believed to exist based on such a variant in the rat: however, to date such an mRNA species has not been isolated.The expression was most prominent in medullary and cortical collecting duct branches, which are ureteric bud derivatives. TCF2 gene expression was not detected in mesenchymal tissues, suggesting that it plays a role in epithelial differentiation.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)