Junction Mediating And Regulatory Protein p53 Cofactor (JMY)

Junction-mediating and -regulatory protein

Junction Mediating And Regulatory Protein p53 Cofactor (JMY)
JMY (junction-mediating and regulatory protein), encodes a 983-amino acid protein containing S/T-P motifs in its N-terminal region, an adenovirus E1A CR2-like motif, EVQFEILKCEE, in its central region, and a proline-rich C-terminal region. In addition, the JMY protein has 2 p300-binding domains, one located in the N-terminal region, where it overlaps the S/T-P-rich region, and the other located in the central region.
JMY and p300 associate in physiologic conditions, and, during the cellular stress response, the p300/JMY complex is recruited to activated p53. The BAX gene is efficiently activated by JMY, and protein isoforms that arise through alternative splicing alter the functional outcome of the p53 response.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)