Kinesin Family, Member 8 (KIF8)

Kinesin-like protein

Kinesin Family, Member 8 (KIF8)
KIF8 belongs to the kinesin-like protein family. The kinesin-8 family of motors is thought to mediate chromosome movements through a combination of translocation and microtubule depolymerization activities. In the absence of either kinesin-4 or kinesin-8 in Dictyostelium, unable to induce the distinctive centrosome movements via dynein motor overexpression. It is conceivable that Kif8 and Kif10 counterbalance dynein-mediated forces through force-production or anchoring activities at the cell cortex and via lateral microtubule-microtubule interactions that supply sufficient rigidity to allow plus end-directed motors to effectively push microtubules. In wild-type Dictyostelium, the balance between opposing dynein and kinesin motor activities serves to reinforce the centrosome position and help maintain the radial character of the interphase microtubule array as these cells crawl around and change shape.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)