Femoral Defect (FD)

Femoral Bone Defect

Femoral Defect (FD)

Femoral defect (FD) is a thorny disease that occurs in the hip joint. In recent years, its incidence has increasedand the cause of the disease involves many factors. So far, its pathogenesis is still unclear, while the pathological process is complicated and the treatment methods are various, but they can not terminate or reverse the pathological process of femoral head necrosis, which will eventually lead to collapse of the femoral head and require total hip arthroplasty. 

At present, the femoral defect model is mainly established in large and medium animals such as rabbits or dogs. It is divided into traumatic model and noninvasive model. Wherein, the traumatic femoral head defect model is mainly caused by human force, osteotomy of femoral neck or blocking blood supply of femoral head, which simulates the formation process of femoral head necrosis after clinical femoral head neck fracture and hip joint dislocation. 

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

Organism species: Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)