REST Corepressor 3 (RCOR3)

REST Corepressor 3 (RCOR3)
In mammals, the CoREST complex is a chromatin-modifying structure that, through interactions with NRSF, regulates neuronal gene expression and neuronal cell fate. RCOR2 and RCOR3 are nuclear proteins that each contain one ELM2 domain and two SANT domains. RCOR2 and RCOR3, both members of the CoREST family, are thought to function as components of the CoREST complex; possibly playing a role in the transcriptional repression of neuronal genes. Additionally, RCOR2 and RCOR3, in conjunction with CoREST, can form immunocomplexes with a variety of histone-modifying genes, including G9a and HDAC1. Via these protein complexes, RCOR2 and RCOR3 can further regulate transcription by controlling the methylation and demethylation of target genes during early development.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)