Ras Homolog Gene Family, Member B (RHOB)

ARH6; ARHB; RHOH6; Rho cDNA clone 6

Ras Homolog Gene Family, Member B (RHOB)
A family of RAS proteins, originally designated RHO proteins, were identified and isolated from protein products expressed in the marine snail, Aplysia. In humans, the products of these genes, called ARH (Aplysia ras-related homologs), display striking homology to the products of the classic RAS genes. Madaule and Axel (1985) identified 3 classes of ARH genes, designated H6, H9 (RHOC), and H12 (RHOA). Chardin et al. (1988) reported the complete H6 coding sequence and renamed the gene RhoB. RhoB colocalized with active Src in the cytoplasm of mouse embryonic fibroblasts, and they presented evidence that RhoB is a component of 'outside-in' signaling pathways that coordinate Src activation with translocation to transmembrane receptors.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)