Resistin Like Alpha (RETNLa)

Fizz1; RELMalpha; Foundin In Flammatory Zone 1; Resistin Like Molecule Alpha

Resistin Like Alpha (RETNLa)
Resistin-like molecule (Relm) alpha is a secreted protein and a hallmark signature gene for alternatively activated macrophages. Relm-alpha is highly induced by allergic inflammatory triggers and perceived to promote tissue repair.
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from mice with experimentally induced allergic pulmonary inflammation contains a novel 9.4 kDa cysteine-rich secreted protein, FIZZ1. Murine (m) FIZZ1 is the founding member of a new gene family including two other murine genes expressed, respectively, in intestinal crypt epithelium and white adipose tissue, and two related human genes. In control mice, FIZZ1 mRNA and protein expression occur at low levels in a subset of bronchial epithelial cells and in non-neuronal cells adjacent to neurovascular bundles in the peribronchial stroma, and in the wall of the large and small bowel.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)