Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction; Bladder incontinence stress;Urinary leakage

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Stress urinary incontinence occurs when your bladder leaks urine during physical activity or exertion. It may happen when you cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, change positions, or exercise.

Stress incontinence occurs when the tissue that supports your urethra gets weak.

The bladder and urethra are supported by the pelvic floor muscles. Urine flows from your bladder through your urethra to the outside.

The sphincter is a muscle around the opening of the bladder. It squeezes to prevent urine from leaking through the urethra.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)