Synapse Differentiation Inducing Protein 1 (SYNDIG1)

C20orf39; DSPC2; TMEM90B; IFITMD5; SynDIG1 Interferon Induced Transmembrane Protein Domain Containing 5; Transmembrane protein 90B; Dispanin subfamily C member 2

Synapse Differentiation Inducing Protein 1 (SYNDIG1)
SYNDIG1 belongs to the capucin family. May regulate AMPA receptor content at nascent synapses, and have a role in postsynaptic development and maturation. a type II transmembrane protein (SynDIG1) that regulates AMPA receptor content at developing synapses in dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. SynDIG1 colocalizes with AMPA receptors at synapses and at extrasynaptic sites and associates with AMPA receptors in heterologous cells and brain. Altered levels of SynDIG1 in cultured neurons result in striking changes in excitatory synapse number and function. SynDIG1-mediated synapse development is dependent on association with AMPA receptors via its extracellular C terminus. Intriguingly, SynDIG1 content in dendritic spines is regulated by neuronal activity.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)