Zinc Finger, MYM-Type Protein 1 (ZMYM1)


Zinc Finger, MYM-Type Protein 1 (ZMYM1)
ZMYM1, Contains 4 MYM-type zinc fingers, Contains 1 TTF-type zinc finger., expressed at high level, 1.9 times the average gene in this release.
The gene contains 15 different gt-ag introns. Transcription produces 13 different mRNAs, 9 alternatively spliced variants and 4 unspliced forms. There are 2 probable alternative promotors, 3 non overlapping alternative last exons and 4 validated alternative polyadenylation sites. The mRNAs appear to differ by truncation of the 5' end, truncation of the 3' end, presence or absence of 6 cassette exons, overlapping exons with different boundaries, alternative splicing or retention of 2 introns. 2838 bp of this gene are antisense to spliced gene reniki.aSep07, raising the possibility of regulated alternate expression.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)