Cystin 1 (CYS1)

Ck; cpk; Cilia-Associated Protein

Cystin 1 (CYS1)
Cystin 1 Expressed at high levels in the kidney and pancreas. Moderate expression seen in the skeletal muscle, liver and heart. A weak expression seen in the brain, lung, uterus, prostate, testis, small intestine and colon.
Various strains of mice that are homozygous for the cpk gene display renal pathology similar to that seen in human ARPKD. The PKD progresses to renal insufficiency, azotemia, and ultimately a uremic death by approximately 3 wk of age. The BALB/c-cpk/cpk murine model displays renal as well as extrarenal pathology similar to that found in human ARPKD. Renal mRNA expression of EGF is diminished in this mouse model. EGF treatment did not prevent renal failure but ameliorated pathologic changes in the kidney and the biliary ducts of the BALB/c-cpk/cpk mouse.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)