Vas Deferens Smooth Muscle Cells (VDSM)

Vas Deferens Smooth Muscle Cells (VDSM)

The vas deferens are a pair of slender pipes, one on each side, with a total length of approximately 40 centimeters. One end of the vas deferens is connected to the epididymal duct, while the other end converges with the seminal vesicle duct to form the ejaculatory duct, which opens into the posterior urethra. The vas deferens also store a portion of mature sperm. The vas deferens is a muscular duct with thick walls and narrow lumens. The tube wall is composed of three layers: mucosa, muscular layer, and outer membrane. Among them, the muscle layer is relatively thick, consisting of three layers of smooth muscle: inner longitudinal, middle ring, and outer longitudinal, mainly composed of smooth muscle cells.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

Organism species: Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)

Organism species: Rhesus monkey (Simian)

Organism species: Canis familiaris; Canine (Dog)

Organism species: Sus scrofa; Porcine (Pig)

Organism species: Capra hircus; Caprine (Goat)