Calpain 2 (CAPN2)

CANPL2; CANPml; mCANP; Calpain-2 Catalytic Subunit; Calcium-activated neutral proteinase 2; Calpain M-type; Calpain large polypeptide L2; Millimolar-calpain; Calpain 2, Large Subunit

Calpain 2 (CAPN2)

The calpains, calcium-activated neutral proteases, are nonlysosomal, intracellular cysteine proteases. The mammalian calpains include ubiquitous, stomach-specific, and muscle-specific proteins. The ubiquitous enzymes consist of heterodimers with distinct large, catalytic subunits associated with a common small, regulatory subunit.

This gene encodes the large subunit of the ubiquitous enzyme, calpain 2. Multiple heterogeneous transcriptional start sites in the 5' UTR have been reported.Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. Calcium-regulated non-lysosomal thiol-protease which catalyze limited proteolysis of substrates involved in cytoskeletal remodeling and signal transduction.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)