Cloud-Clone Corp. attended ASCB 2015


December 12-16, 2015, more than 4000 researchers, clinicians, and advocates took part in ASCB annual meeting in San Diego, focused on cell biology related to imaging , protein structures, genomics, gene expression, and more. The 2015 ASCB meeting overarching theme is about making connections at different scales, from the intracellular level to the tissue level, to the organism level, all in the light of big data and information integration. 
Cloud-clone Corp. and more than 200 exhibitors have attended the meeting and displayed the latest scientific products for research projects in the field of cell biology, the representatives from Cloud-Clone Corp have communicated with researchers, clinicians and managers regarding our featured products and services, also held a series of meetings with different biotech vendors and institutes to further explore the potential collaborations and to increase our presence in the global biotech market.